Planet Youth News

Read up on our latest news and events!
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Overuse Of Screens

A short video that highlights the impact that overuse of screens and social media has on the health and wellbeing…

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The Importance Of Sleep

A short video that highlights the impact that lack of sleep has on the health and wellbeing of our teenagers.

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Stepping Up To Secondary School Webinar

A webinar for parents that have children starting at secondary school after the summer. Practical hints and tips and a…

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Planet Youth – The lives of our young people – Webinar recording

This is a short presentation and launch event for the three Planet Youth 2020 county reports. These reports give an…

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2020 Survey Data – Short presentation and Q&A

A 20 minute presentation to include data from the newly published County Reports. The county reports contain the findings of…

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The lives of our young people – webinar

Join us to hear about the findings from the new survey and our plans for this exciting project…

News a webinar graphic! – the amazing Icelandic Leisurecard scheme – A webinar – 19.11.20

This is a webinar about Planet Youth in the West of Ireland, the fabulous Icelandic Leisurecard scheme, and plans to…

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The 2020 Planet Youth Survey is out the door!

The 2020 Planet Youth Survey has gone out the door! Yes! A great big thank you to all our 92…

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Planet Youth – A short introduction for parents of teenagers

This short video explains some of the 2018 survey findings to parents, and a little about the parent’s guidelines booklet…