Planet Youth: Galway, Mayo & Roscommon

Learn about the lives and lifestyles of our young people as discovered by the Planet Youth survey.

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Key Takeaways

91 out of 91 schools participated


4,339 15/16 year olds participated

30% reported being drunk in the last month

67% reported good physical health

88% feel safe in their neighbourhood

58% spend 3 hours or more on social media daily

Survey Results

Planet Youth reports are available for download for each County Council area.

The reports present the results, key findings, key messages, and recommendations derived from the Planet Youth survey datasets. The Planet Youth survey comprehensively examines the lives and lifestyles of young people and asks questions about the risk and protective factors that influence their behaviours.

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How Planet Youth Works

Planet Youth is an international evidence-based primary prevention model, developed by the Icelandic Centre for Social Research and Analysis (ICSRA) at Reykjavik University.

It was initially developed in order to reduce substance use rates amongst young people. The model uses a whole population approach and offers the opportunity to improve health and life outcomes for young people in many areas.

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Community Focus

There are currently three regional Drug & Alcohol Task Force areas in Ireland that are implementing Planet Youth.

The Western Regional DATF ( Galway, Mayo and Roscommon), the North East Regional DATF in collaboration with the ETB(Cavan & Monaghan) and the North Dublin Regional DATF (North Dublin).

The important thing to remember about Planet Youth is that it is all about communities working together. Once we get the information from the surveys its really important that we start to look at how we can reinforce the things that are working really well and reduce the impact of the things that are causing problems for young people.

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