Galway, Mayo & Roscommon

FAQs – Parenting Your Teenager Through Covid-19 meetings

April 17, 2019
planet youth by icsra logo

If you have good IT skills, you should work your way down through this list. If not, please call us on the numbers we provide with the event invitation and we will guide you through. These phone lines are always answered in the hour leading up to, and during, an event. 

Can I use my phone or tablet?
You can, but desktop or laptop are more effective. They offer great functionality.

Generally speaking, all events here include camera and microphone. However, your organisers may specify differently and, if they do, that will be communicated to you separately. Use of camera is recommended as it helps to generate better conversation.

Yes, if you turn on your microphone. We recommend this as it helps to generate conversation – unless there is a specific reason you want to listen. But that might un-nerve others so make sure they are okay about that. You can message them, or the whole meeting, in a chat.

By default, we don’t record our events. If we plan to record an event, it will be made very clear to you beforehand and you can then decide to attend or not.

Only if you get express permission from us and the event organisers and if this is communicated clearly to all attendees beforehand.

When the Presenter/Host is presenting, you will see the option to raise your hand in the bottom menu bar. This is now available, however, when you are in the smaller Rooms/Tables.

I’m attending on a phone – can I see all attendees in one go?

The viewing area on phones and tablets are more limited than desktops and laptops. If you scroll right, you should be able to see 3-4 attendees at one time, but not the whole attendance.

How do I un-mute my microphone
On a desktop or laptop, hover over your own picture in the meeting, and at top right you will see three white dots set against a blue background. Click there and you will see and option to un-mute your microphone. There are various other options there too, including turning on or off your video.

I want to change how I see people on the screen?

On desktops and laptops, you will see options to change from Speaker View to Gallery View. Select the view that suits you. This merely changes the view on your device – everybody else can select their own preferred view.